Feb 16, 2010


How often do you experience coincidence or deja vu? Is coincidence really a force outside of one's self or do we create it through our thoughts and desires? Is deja vu a ghost of a previous lifetime/s or a precursor of what is to come? There are so many philosophies that revolve around both that I find it immeasurably difficult to determine what it is I believe.

I do know that my life has been filled with both. I have watched/listened to myself have the exact same conversation with other people while having it with the person in front of me - knowing exactly what will be said next, and been beside myself to change the words coming out of my mouth. I meet people that I KNOW but have never met. I know the lyrics to music I've never heard. Too many times something will happen, or someone will show up just in the nick of time to resolve some critical problem or offer the precise assistance that I NEED RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT. Always grateful yet sometimes frightened. Am I crazy? Oversensitive? Extrasensitive? Drifting in the time stream where the receding current pulls you back through ages past?

Perhaps coincidence is the physical manifestation of unvoiced desire acting through the unconscious. The mind IS our most powerful tool and I have spent a lifetime trying to keep mine open. I am quite sure People being people, even with the infinitely random events in each individual life there must surely be some crossover point, and coincidence happens when that crossover occurs with two people in the same place and time, or between an individual and a specific event. I'll go with that.

Deja vu, on the other hand is an intimate haunt of mine, or maybe a karmic hurricane warning. I wonder how many lifetimes you have to live to get smacks in the forehead once a week? The dream that you wake up from with a picture of someone you haven't seen for umpteen years yet run into the next day, or see their obituary the day after. The sense that you MUST DO SOMETHING but not be really sure what. It's a double edged sword is deja vu.

And then when you apply either or both to individuals ....

for instance: to get on a plane for your first vacation EVER, to have the airline make a mistake with the seating, putting you with a stranger, who feels so comfortable that you quickly fall into conversation, who lives in your city, who knows about 50 people that you do including framily not just long gone acquaintances, much laughter ensues, fears openly discussed, politics, sport, friends, food, travel, history, family, stories, hours and hours on the phone, when neither of us usually spend much time on it at all, and it's the OTHER person who utters " it's like we've known each other for a 1000 years". That sense of comfortability that takes years to find with most, that you share with your besties, and a new one is added to the list. It always makes me wonder how many lost friends I still have floating around out there. Did I run into this one because I made a concious effort to be more open to it? I don't know and this isn't helping.

Maybe I'll just let it go and see where it leads and try to keep my questions to a million or two.

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